The Healing Power of Prayer
Following the Diversity Breakfast, please come hear our panel on The Healing Power of Prayer from different faith perspectives as part of Iona's Week of the Peacemaker 11/16 at 11 am in Spellman Hall.
Thanksgiving Diversity Breakfast
Join us to reconnect and celebrate our communities’ shared values and diversity with Iona University!
Kristallnacht Commemoration Holocaust Memory & The Vatican
"We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah" was issued by the Vatican 25 years ago. Dr. Mary Boys, Skinner & McAlpin Professor of Practical Theology at Union Theological Seminary and Dr. Shuly Rubin Schwartz, Chancellor of The Jewish Theological Seminary will discuss the importance of the document and its continuing relevance for Jewish-Catholic relations.
Jews and Christians: Walking Together or Past Each Other?
Join lona Jewish-Catholic Studies and AJC Westchester/Fairfield as we embark on a four-part study across two years in preparation for the 60th anniversary of the Vatican lI document, "Nostra Aetate: Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions."
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dinner & Service
The Inter-Religious Coalition of New Rochelle invites you to the... Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dinner & Service Friday, January 13, 2023 6:00 pm Dinner (sponsored by IRCNR) 7:00 pm Service at Temple Israel of New Rochelle (1000 Pinebrook Boulevard, New Rochelle, NY 10804) Min. Mark McLean will deliver the sermon $30 per person ... and sponsor a youth to attend for $30 RSVP to Three options to pay: 1. Pay through Zelle. Search for 2. … or mail a check to: The Inter-Religious Coalition of New Rochelle, P.O. Box 256, New Rochelle, NY 10804 3. … or bring payment to the dinner. Questions? Contact Deborah Maher at I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
Iona University Community Cafe
ona University's Communication Sciences and Disorders Department will be hosting two Community Cafes for the families and community we serve through our Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic. These Community Cafes will be held on Thursday October 27th at 6pm, and Sunday November 13 at 1:30 pm at the LaPenta EndZone on the Iona College campus. Meals and childcare will be provided for both sessions. Come tell us about your vision for the clinic in the future!
We are inviting clinic clients, their families and any interested members of the community to attend. We are attempting to cast a wide net to reach folks who may have any interest in sharing with us what their vision of the future Iona University Speech-Language-Hearing community-serving speech clinic may look like. Please let us know!
Interested community members will sit, cafe-style at tables and informally eat, chat and share about topics related to the services the clinic provides and the needs and desires of the community. Please come - we need your voice!
Easter Sunrise Service
Join us as we celebrate the time of Easter with an Easter Sunrise Service.
We will be taking an offering during this time for the people of Ukraine
Davenport Park, 348 Davenport Ave, New Rochelle